Ship Operation Booklets

Navis provides all manuals and booklets which are requested by class societies and other authorities.
All these documents have very important role to safe and eco-friendly management and operation of ships.
Some of the documents are given below ;
- P&A (Procedures and Arrangement) Manual for Tankers
- SOPEP / SMPEP (Shipboard Oil / Marine Pollution Emergency Plan)
- BWMP (Ballast Water Management Plan)
- VCS (Vapour Control System) Manual
- AVM&APS (Alternative Propulsion System) Manual
- AUT-PORT (Automated Operation in Port) Instruction Manual
- Garbage Management Manual
- Clean Ship Manual
- Bunkering Procedure
- SOx Documentation
- Shipboard Incineration Documentation
- In Water Survey - MonShaft Booklet
- Cargo Control Manual
- Sewage & Gray Water Management Plan
- LSFO (Low Sulphur Fuel Oil) Manual
- Cargo Securing Manual
- Hull Access Manual
- ODME (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment)Manual
- Inert Gas Manual
- Emergency Towing Booklet
- Damage Control Booklet
- USCG Pollution Preventation For Foreign Ships
- COW (Crude Oil Washing) Manual
- SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan)
- Fire Training Manual
- SOLAS Training Manual
- Sea Trial Report
- Guidance Booklet for Noise & Vibration Measurement
- Plans & Procedures for Recovery of Persons from the water
Also special booklets for Navy Vessels ;
- Damage Control Booklet
- Ship Information Book
- Piping Scheme Booklet