Feasibility Analysis

Any Project can not reach to success and profitability without correct feasibility study.
So the demand of the owner is to be well described and all of advantages and disadvantages are to be researched extensively.
Navis Design & Engineering provides feasibility studies of the potential investments in multi perspective approach to determine most suitable and efficient concept. For this purpose the below mentioned subjects should be examined carefully ;
Technology and system feasibility
The conventional and modern propulsion systems , power generation alternatives ,Cargo handling equipments, Cargo capacity, main dimensions, speed, construction methods can be examined and evaluated economically and technically. Also market research study can be performed by Navis in order to define correct design and equipment/system selection for the current market.
Additionally Navis Design & Engineering provides technical and economical feasibility evaluations for any individual equipment installation or modification on the vessel (such as ballast water treatment system, cargo gear etc).
Schedule feasibility
The detailed time Schedule studies are very important to define ;
- Project deadline,
- critical stages,
- just in time procurement
- Expected peak on-site manpower requirements
Financial feasibility
Project viability depends on the financial feasibility . Navis provides ;
- Total estimated cost of the Project
- Cash flow analysis as per the construction time Schedule
Running cost